BREAKING: England international has been named ambassador of mental health charity – nextfootballnews
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BREAKING: England international has been named ambassador of mental health charity



English international Millie Bright has been appointed as an ambassador for the children’s mental health charity YoungMinds.

The 31-year-old has previously expressed her concerns regarding mental health issues and considers this new position to be “the most profound endeavour” of her professional life.

Bright, who has assisted her mother in overcoming depression and anxiety, aspires to leverage her personal experiences to assist young people.

“To be frank, it is frightening how many individuals come forward and disclose that they are experiencing hardship,” the Chelsea captain stated to BBC Sport.

“I do not believe that it is appropriate for you to experience feelings of isolation in a world that is home to billions of individuals.” I have consistently asserted that I am the unifying force in my family and strive to maintain order.

“My mother has experienced significant difficulties with anxiety and depression.” I have witnessed her traverse that path, and it is a delightful experience to witness her now on the other side.

“It is a dreadful excursion to endure, not only for the individual but also for those in their vicinity.” It is akin to the difference between day and night. An individual’s identity can be significantly altered by their mental health.

Bright will assist YoungMinds by attending schools and events to foster positivity and establish secure community for young individuals who are experiencing difficulties.

She further stated, “It is exceedingly challenging to determine how to provide assistance.” What methods do you employ to provide assistance to an individual who is experiencing that journey? I have consistently discovered that the most detrimental statement an individual can make to me when I am experiencing difficulty is, “Are you alright?”

“I now enquire, ‘Is there anything I can assist you with?'” The objective is to restore individuals to a state of happiness and ease.

“The farm is a significant location for my mother and me.” I was raised on the farm, and it serves as my refuge. In that location, my mother is unconcerned with anything else and is unaffected by it.

“She is content in that location.” I am pleased to witness her emerge from the other side; however, I am aware that there are those who do not. It is probable that they experience feelings of isolation and lack of communication.

“That’s what really struck me about YoungMinds.” They provide assistance to both the individual and their family, which I believe is crucial.

Bright, a Chelsea defender, has acquired the ability to regulate her mental health; however, it has not always been effortless.

In May, she disclosed to BBC Sport that her career was clouded by uncertainty following an extended injury that necessitated her absence for the majority of the season.

Bright and her closest friend Rachel Daly, a former England international, established a social media account called “Your Daly Dose of Brightness” during the Covid pandemic. They utilised the account as a platform to provide support to others.

“To us, they could turn if they were having a bad day.” Bright stated that some communications were extremely private, while others were simply intended to express gratitude.

She advises young individuals to utilise the services offered by YoungMinds and to “reach out” when they require assistance.

Bright also has her own advice to share, such as the importance of establishing a “safe circle” of close friends and family.

They consist of Levi, their fiancé, Chelsea teammates Sam Kerr, Guro Reiten, and Erin Cuthbert, as well as former England champions Daly and Carly Telford.

“I also write journals which has been a life-saver, particularly in football where there are a million opinions,” pointed out Bright. It is possible to be the greatest player one day and the worst the next.

“It contains both positive and negative aspects.” I document the positive aspects so that I can review them. I simply endeavour to recall all the positive aspects of that voyage.

Bright also avoids social media because she believes it can be a “toxic environment” when one is “attempting to heal.”

Nevertheless, Bright is of the opinion that social media can also serve as an effective platform for fostering camaraderie and encouraging one another, rather than hindering one another.

“Social media has allowed me to connect with people who are struggling too,” she indicated.

“It fosters unity among individuals.” It has the potential to be an improved environment. We merely need to remind individuals of this and of all the positive aspects.

‘Everyone experiences difficulty at some point.’
Using her platform to assist others is a “responsibility” that Bright prioritises.

“Even if I can just make a difference to one person’s mental health, I would be over the moon,” she indicated.

“Everyone has a choice on what they want to do with [their platform] but in a world where it’s not as good as it could be, why would you not choose to make it a better place?”

Bright has already observed the influence of her platform in addressing mental health.

“Football is meant to demonstrate that it is acceptable to express oneself, as it places one in the public eye.” She stated, “I believe that is what the majority of individuals value.”

“Our lifestyles may be perceived as extravagant and luxurious, with everything being filled with sunshine and roses.” In reality, it is not. We are all human beings, regardless of our origin, financial status, or occupation.

“Everyone experiences difficulties at some point.” The consequences of neglecting those items can be substantial.

“I have observed that and have been more forthcoming in discussing it.” It is about demonstrating our authenticity. That is a conviction that I have consistently held.
